
A Memorable Event Dedicated to Famous Armenians Abroad

Կրթական 2017-03-24

On 23rd of March a memorable event took place in Stepanavan High School after Hovhannes Tumanyan dedicated to famous Armenians Abroad. Students of 10th grade and their English teacher Siranush Sahakyan represented famous Armenians who live and create abroad. They thoroughly spoke about their origin and the reason of moving to different foreign countries: that is –they spoke about the dramatic days and events that Armenian people suffered during its existence. Students had made interesting video films. Slides, posters and postcards about famous Armenians. All in all the event was a real success. Both the teacher stuff and the students enjoyed the event greatly, besides, they enriched their knowledge on history of Armenia simultaneously creating an album representing famous Armenians Abroad. The event was organized by English teacher Siranush Sahakyan and 10th graders of Stepanavan High School after Hovhannes Tumanyan.

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