
One step closer to bringing Intel ISEF to Armenia

Ուշագրավ 2016-09-13

Highlighting the importance of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education development and of Armenia`s involvement in world-known scientific educational competitions, Dasaran has initiated the process of Armenia`s engagement with the Intel ISEF.
We`re excited to let you know that an essential step is currently being made: Dasaran, "Armenian National Science and Innovation Competition" (ANSIC) organization and ARPA Institute will soon sign a trilateral memorandum for the implementation of the world’s largest and most prestigious science competition for high school students - INTEL ISEF (International Science and Engineering Fair) in Armenia.
In the frames of his visit to Dasaran Educational Center, Hagop Panossian, PH.D., Founding President of the ARPA Institute, Adj. Professor at Calofornia State University, ensured that ARPA will not only provide financial assistance, but will also support in organizing trainings for teachers/mentors and school principals on project-based education and the format for research and project presentation.

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