
This Day is celebrated to remember the importance of literacy around the world.

Կրթական 2016-09-09

This Day is celebrated to remember the importance of literacy around the world. We want to teach children about International Literacy Day and the specific right of children highlighted by this Day, their right to a good quality education. Education brings sustainability to all the development goals ,and literacy is the foundation of all learning. It provides individuals with the skills to Understand the world and shape it, to participate in democratic processes and have a voice ,and also strengthen their cultural identity. Literacy is important because it is a tool of personal empowerment and a means of social and human development. Educational opportunities depend on literacy. Literacy is the heart of basic education for all, and essential for eradicating poverty, reducing child mortality, achieving gender equality ,peace and democracy. 8 сентября, в Международный день грамотности,учителя вместе с учениками подготовили информационный стенд.На уроках русского языка и литературы учащиеся представили сообщение о большом значении грамотности в жизни человека.Ребята с охотой осознали,как много новых дверей открывают им грамотность и просвещение.В сердцах учеников зародилось стремление к познанию нового, достижению хороших знаний, ведь знания- это ключ ко всему.

ք. Երևանի թիվ 139 ա/դ

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