
Senegal Government Shows Vast Interest in Dasaran Educational Program

Ուշագրավ 2016-09-07

Today, on September 7, Dasaran hosted Mr. Ousmane Sow, Secretary General of Senegal`s Ministry of National Education. Mr. Ousmane Sow`s visit was organized in the frames of Senegal Government`s interest in Dasaran, as a successful modern educational model.
During his visit, Mr. Ousmane Sow had a short tour at Dasaran Educational Center and got introduced to the team, followed by the presentation of the major achievements and successes of Dasaran recorded in the past seven years of its activities.
The professional electronic platform - the electronic School Management and Information System and the Demographic Analytics toolset, designed by Dasaran, were specifically showcased during the meeting.
Mr. Ousmane Sow highly valued the work of Dasaran, particularly underlining the importance of the electronic school management toolset and its insertion in the system of national education. Furthermore, Mr. Sow presented Senegal`s system of education and the plans for its future advancement with modern information technologies.
At the end of the meeting Mr. Sow promised to present the results of the meeting to the Minister of National Education of Senegal and discuss the upcoming steps for the incorporation of Dasaran educational program in Senegal.

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