
Համադպրոցական շարադրությունների մրցույթ 2013
Մարիամ Հակոբյան
Դպրոց՝ ք. Վանաձորի թիվ 11 ա/դ

Դասարան՝ 12h2
My inspiring teacher
I love my teachers very much. I begin to tell about my inspiring teacher when I first met Mrs. Ann, I had no idea how tremendously she would impact my life. I have been privileged to have her as my band direction for three wonderful years. Each day I cannot wait to enter her classroom and play my clarinet . Mrs. Ann has always encouraged me to pursue music and practice diligently. She sincerely cares for each of her students, and Mrs. Ann listen to any concerns they might have . She has always done more than required. Mrs. Ann is also ahead of stage crew, a helper with the school’s musical, and she assists in many assemblies at our school. Ultimately, Mrs. Ann is an excellent, considerate, and hardworking educator. Mrs. Ann is a phenomenal band director who introduces her students to the beauty of music. She has the ability to take a beginner, intermediate, and experienced musicians and turn them into a successful band. Mrs. Ann has shown us that music is so much more than notes on a page. As approach a song, I immediately notice the tone of the piece. Each note means so much . The greatest feeling is that you feel have placed your w hole heart into a piece of music. I would not know these things if it were not for Mrs. Ann. She helped me understand how imperative it is to pay attention to dynamics, articulations, and tuning. Even the most difficult piece can be made easy with the help of Mrs. Ann Band has always been a way for me to escape my daily worries. It may be the worst day ever, but the moment Mrs. Ann begins teaching I immediately feel better. She makes each students feel important. When we do well, she often tells us that we deserve gold stars. Mrs. Ann cares so much about our band, and she believes in each of her pupils. I try to practice each day, and her encouragement motivates me. When working through a hard piece, I tell myself ” Mrs. Ann believes that you can play this song, and you can do this”. If it were not Mrs. Ann, I would not have progressed as much as I have now. In conclusion Mrs. Ann has done so much for me. She deserves billions upon billions of gold stars. I cannot help but feel nostalgic as I look back at past three years in Mrs. Ann’s band. She has inspired me to work hard and to be the best that I can. Next year I know I will miss the comforting feeling I receive when I walk into her classroom. It was an absolute honor to learn and work with Mrs. Ann. No words can express how grateful I am for all of her hard work and effort. A good teacher is one that helps students to understand difficult concepts , but Mrs. Ann is a grate educator that not only motivates teenagers, but sincerely cares for and helps each of her students. Never again will a piece be simple, boring notes on a page. Now I feel that each song is like a present. I love the clarinet with all my heart and I credit Mrs. Ann for helping me.